This is my #VolunteerLibrarian contribution to the Summer...

This is my #VolunteerLibrarian contribution to the Summer Reading Program. The original plan was to print all the info and tape it directly on to the "Dig into Reading" poster, which would have been…cluttered, to say the least. So, while clouds don't necessarily go with being under ground, just go with it, because I think the final product is pretty great.
"8. Best thing Taylor Kitsch brought to the show (besides biceps, beautiful tortured face,..."
"8. Best thing Taylor Kitsch brought to the show (besides biceps, beautiful tortured face, everything): "Street's nickname 'Six' wasn't on the page," says Porter. "That was Kitsch. When he walked into the hospital room in season 1 and finally comes to see me for the first time? Instead of saying what was on the page he said 'Six' and it stuck.""- 'Texas Forever!': 10 things we learned from the 'Friday Night Lights' reunion
Gratuitous Picture of Yourself at the Lake

Gratuitous Picture of Yourself at the Lake

Now I'm remembering why I stopped talking about religion on the Internet.
thesarcasmstore: annaverity: mariavontraphouse: "im an atheist" said the atheist atheistly while...
"im an atheist" said the atheist atheistly while being an atheist just in case you forgot the atheist was an atheist
Meanwhile, Christians make a point to wear a dead guy hung on a cross around their necks, spend an entire day with ash on their forehead, and enjoy telling people like me that we're going to burn in hell, so.
Yeah but the point is that atheists (a lot of times) enjoy making people who have some sort of faith feel dumb, and are constantly doing the same thing that religious people do. Atheists can be just as assholey as religious people sometimes.
I'm sorry but as someone who straddles both sides of the fence, this is fairly accurate.
I understood the point—but the point is stupid, because as you more or less say, it goes both ways. (Minus the part where atheists have been and continue to be the minority, at least in the United States, making it not at all the same thing, because picking apart the minority is never the same thing as picking apart the majority, but oh well!)
mariavontraphouse: "im an atheist" said the atheist atheistly while being an atheist just in case...
"im an atheist" said the atheist atheistly while being an atheist just in case you forgot the atheist was an atheist
Meanwhile, Christians make a point to wear a dead guy hung on a cross around their necks, spend an entire day with ash on their forehead, and enjoy telling people like me that we’re going to burn in hell, so.
Jolene — Miley CyrusOriginally by Dolly Parton Nope, still not...
Jolene — Miley Cyrus
Originally by Dolly Parton
Nope, still not tired of how much this says haters to the left.
It’s ninety fucking degrees out, so of course I’m wearing a dress, but no no no, some...
It’s ninety fucking degrees out, so of course I’m wearing a dress, but no no no, some dude still has to turn it into “I love summertime because all you girls [#%$!] wear such great clothes,” and I couldn’t tell him to go fuck himself because I was in a pizza parlor filled with 8th graders as their families, and my dad told me to just “ignore it,” so now I’m sitting in my car recovering from an attack of sobs.
GPOY with Your Not So Little Brothers

GPOY with Your Not So Little Brothers

The Guardian: Gendered covers are failing young adult readers
The Guardian: Gendered covers are failing young adult readers:Alison Croggon: The elements of a great story have no gender, so why do we market books to young readers as if girls and boys want different things from fiction?
My problem with this is that it sounds very similar to someone saying that they "don't see race," thereby in effect erasing what happens to be a central part of a person's identity.
A great story can, in fact, be masculine or feminine, or where ever in-between, and the issue isn't that we need to stop caring about whether or not Sarah Dessen's latest book will appeal more to girls than to boys. The issue is that we need to stop treating "girl books" as somehow less than "boy books," and that we need to stop shoe-horning female authors and female characters into the category of "feminine, NOT FOR BOYS," and that we need to expect and even demand that stories about women and girls be accorded the same allowance of universality as stories about men and boys tend to automatically receive.
I don't want gender neutral. I want gender equal.
And there's an important difference between the two.
I hope you’re all having absolutely wonderful Thursdays. My question for you today is: How many of you work in communities of <5,000 people?
Most of my librarian friends seem to be in bigger metro areas, and I’m hoping to connect with those of you who are working in smaller libraries because I’m starting to realize that size matters when it comes to funding, processes, programming, collections, etc.
(Not so much in a, “We could never do that because we’re not the NYPL” kind of way, but in a, “We could do that, but we’d have to also consider x, y, and z because we’re not the NYPL” kind of way.)
Golden Compass by ~Tallychyck

rachelfershleiser: The delightful Trish Doller thanks Tumblr in...

The delightful Trish Doller thanks Tumblr in the acknowledgements of her forthcoming book Where The Stars Still Shine!
Thanks Trish! Writers like you are *my* happy place!
I had the tremendous pleasure of reading Where the Stars Still Shine last weekend (thank you, Trish!), so believe me when I tell you, (YA) lit fans, you want to read this book, which will be released by Bloomsbury in September. And in the mean time, check out Trish's debut novel, Something Like Normal, which came out last year and is ALSO fantastic.
I wish I knew what it was like not to have to spend at least one morning a week talking myself into...
I wish I knew what it was like not to have to spend at least one morning a week talking myself into getting out of bed and living my life.
Sarah Dessen's Secret to Y.A. Success: Stay Forever Young
Sarah Dessen's Secret to Y.A. Success: Stay Forever Young:"I feel so fortunate. It didn't start out that way. I had a young narrator, and my agent was like, 'this should be Y.A., just trust me.'" She did, and it worked. "I couldn't be in a better place for me and my voice," she says, referring to her job with a sense of awe. "I have a hard time admitting it's what I do, as if, if I say it, it will disappear."
Ugh, Sarah Dessen, I just love you so much.
In other news, I can’t believe that people are still complaining that the Internet...
In other news, I can’t believe that people are still complaining that the Internet “spoiled” Game of Thrones which HELLO, is based on 10+ year old source material.
Also, if you don’t want to be “spoiled,” watch it live, or stay up late to watch it, ahem, not live, or just avoid the fucking Internet. If you really care that much, you’ll find a way, I promise.
Like, talk about a mind fuck: you used to be my type, but now you’re REALLY not my type, and...
Like, talk about a mind fuck: you used to be my type, but now you’re REALLY not my type, and every time I interact with you, I’m reminded of both of these facts, creating a weird circle of attraction and repulsion.
Have we talked about how my co-worker and pseudo-manager reminds me way way way too much of my...
Have we talked about how my co-worker and pseudo-manager reminds me way way way too much of my douchebag ex-boyfriend? Same Jew fro, same vocal inflections and affectations, eerily similar personality, same age, and planning to go tool around in an RV for the foreseeable future.
To the best of my knowledge, he’s not also a lying, thieving, cowardly fuckhead, but I’m still tempted to ask if he has relatives in Kansas because it’s totally weirding me out.
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