gingerhaze: ok if I had to bring only my favorite books in the...

ok if I had to bring only my favorite books in the world…
I just read Blankets a few weeks ago, and it was pretty damn good.
I was afraid it'd turn into one of those 'generic vaguely depressed white guy meets pixie dream girl who brings light into his life with her quirkiness' type stories, but it totally dodged that bullet.
It was sweet and real and I'd recommend it to pretty much anyone.
What is your MC’s preferred way of listening to music? iPod, Walk Man, radio, opera house, traditional folk songs sung around a fire, or a young bard with a lute?
If your MC started a band, what would they name it?
What’s one thing that always reminds your MC of home? Why is it so special?
Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Maybe something stronger?
The fine arts are pretty rad. Does your MC dabble in any of them?
Would your MC rather have a significant other or a slice of cake?
Does your MC even have a best friend? How’s that going for them?
If your MC could change one thing about their body, what would it be?
What has it got in its pocketses?
It’s your character’s best friend’s birthday, and they’re in charge of the cake. What goes down?
shoebilling: frenearden: Commission for shooshpapping SHAY...

Commission for shooshpapping
Reblogging this over here because I'm so fucking excited about this picture.
Also, if you enjoy really awesome art, give Frene a follow. Do it. Now.
It’s your MC’s birthday. What kind of cake do they request?
So how ‘bout them families? How does your MC like theirs?
If you rooted around in your MC’s dresser or closet, what kind of clothes would you find? Are there any other things hidden in there?
What is your MC’s favorite color?
Character Questions are starting
So as of this being posted, I should be at the Detroit Metro Airport pissing myself out of fear that something will go wrong and I’ll end up missing my flight, getting on the wrong flight, or some other terrible yet unlikely thing.
If all goes well at the airport, I should be spending two weeks in Texas. And because I’ll be kinda busy hanging out with Texans, I won’t have much time to be active here (just pretend I was already active okay). So to make my followers happy, I’ve set up a queue of fourteen character question prompt things.
There will be one prompt posted each day at 3 PM Michigan time. I have no clue what the proper name of our time zone is, but you can figure it out. Maybe. (Here’s a hint, one will be posted a minute after this is posted.)
The tag for the prompts is called “character questions yo” minus the quotes. I added the “yo” because want you guys to know I’m quirky and unique.
So go ahead and blacklist it if character questions aren’t your thing, and if you dig questions like these, I came up with some good ones.
Also, on a final note, I added Character Questions to my list of tags, which can be found here. So if you ever want to go back and look at them, they’ll all be in one convenient place.
buttlicked: You're bad at grammar? *pats u on shoulder* their, they're, there.
You're bad at grammar? *pats u on shoulder* their, they're, there.
I just found an old USB that has a bunch of old writing from when I was a sophomore in high...
I just found an old USB that has a bunch of old writing from when I was a sophomore in high school.
I’m scared to death of reading it.
For the guy who asked about the dream sequences. I think they're okay. You should read A Song of Ice and Fire. It has lots of dream sequences, but they never quite feel like they're too much. They're also helpful for foreshadowing or as actual abilities of the characters (like wargs).
I'm currently reading A Song of Ice and Fire, and personally, I think they're annoying. ASOIAF has a bunch of dreams, and I'm not the first person to think they're annoying.
I'm just one side of it, though. There are plenty of people who either don't mind or like dream sequences.
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